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.env setup

To ensure your local development environment is correctly configured, you need to set up your .env file with the appropriate environment variables.

  • PUBLIC_BASE_URL : Please provide CREDEBL platform’s URL with port(e.g.http://localhost:5000)
  • PUBLIC_SHOW_NAME_AS_LOGO : Please provide true if you want to give platform name with logo
  • PUBLIC_KEYCLOAK_MANAGEMENT_CLIENT_ID : Please sepcify your client id
  • PUBLIC_KEYCLOAK_MANAGEMENT_CLIENT_SECRET : Please specify your client secrete
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_NAME : Please specify your paltform name
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_LOGO : Please specify your logo file link
  • PUBLIC_POWERED_BY : Please specify your powered by org name
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_WEB_URL : Please specify your platform web URL
  • PUBLIC_POWERED_BY_URL : Please specify your support URL
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_DOCS_URL : Please specify your documentation URL
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_GIT : Please specify your Github URL
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_SUPPORT_EMAIL : Please specify your support email
  • PUBLIC_PLATFORM_TWITTER_URL : Please specify your twitter URL
  • PUBLIC_PLATFROM_DISCORD_SUPPORT : Please specify your discord support url